Why Ozone Injections

Could this be the answer to your pain?

Ozone is a colorless gas that occurs naturally in our atmosphere in the form of 03 (three oxygen atoms). The oxygen we breathe in the air is 02 (two oxygen atoms). The third oxygen atom in ozone makes it unstable and really want to bond with something else - like tissues in our body! When appropriately injected into a stiff muscle, injured tendon, or painful ligament, ozone facilitates a cascade of immune responses in that area. An acute inflammatory reaction is created which aids healing, reduces pain, and speeds recovery. Ozone therapies are a great complement to chiropractic adjustments.

Ozone injections are very safe when administered by a skilled clinician and can be effective for the following conditions:

  • chronic pain
  • trigger points/muscle knots
  • sprains and strains
  • scar tissue
  • disc pain
  • nerve pain

In our office, ozone injections cost only $25 per syringe. The amount of syringes needed for treatment will vary by case. Ask your provider if ozone injections are right for you!

Ozone therapies are a cash pay service in addition to any other applicable fees for treatment.

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Testimonial from a Real Patient aboutĀ Ozone Injections

"My pain levels have significantly decreased..."

"I highly recommend Cache Valley Chiropractic! I've been attending her clinic, and the results have been amazing. After suffering a back injury at work, she has been instrumental in my recovery process. Not only has she provided excellent adjustments and a comprehensive care plan, but she also introduced me to ozone injections. Since starting the ozone injections, my pain levels have significantly decreased, and I'm grateful for her expertise in this treatment. Her understanding and support throughout my workman's compensation case, even going without payment, have been truly exceptional. Thanks to her efforts, what could have been a permanent injury is now on the path to healing. I can't thank her enough for all she has done!"

- B.W., Logan, Utah (not pictured)

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